Notice of appeal

A sample Notice of appeal is Provided.

Timing is everything. You will need to make a notice similar to the one with names, judge names, cases number etc. Put the date of Ruling and judgement you are appealing. Designate all portions of the trial court record. Add exhibits. Then fill out the certificate of service. Its best to do this early in the day so by the end of the day you can.

  1. Take it to the appeals court, file it and get the copy of the first page after it is stamped. You will need to scan this and edit your notice and replace the first page with this scanned image.
  2. Once combining is done then email the notice to the attorney for the other side. If you only chose by email then you are done. Otherwise deliver by hand or by registered mail to get a receipt.
  3. Deliver the notice of appeal to the courthouse and ask for appeal coordinator. Give it to them.
  4. Now wait for a quote for audio files to be emailed. Pay the quote right away.
  5. Your transcript audio will be sent to an appeals transcript certified person.
  6. They will email you a quote for the work. I have paid as little as $300 or max $1800.
  7. They will send the complete transcripts to the appeals court, yourself and the other attorney.
  8. You will have 15 days depending on your state to certify the transcripts. If no issues then the brief timer starts,